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Team work in leading organizational change.

Writer: Stephanie WellsStephanie Wells

Wow! It is amazing how fast these semesters are going by right now. One more class and I will be half way through. As I look back on this semester and my contribution to my learning environment I have to say that I wasn't much better than last semester. This semester required several books. I bought hard copies but also downloaded all of them on Audible. I can safely say that each book has been read or heard at least 2 times a piece and some parts even more. I have a long commute every day so I am so grateful for Audible so I am not wasting those hours in the car every day. I have passed the titles on to everyone I know that would listen. I watched every course video and reading that was suggested also.

As was with the previous semesters, this element of collaboration with my classmates was where I struggle the most. It is not because I think collaboration isn't a great idea. I use collaboration in my own courses and I certainly see the benefit in utilizing collaboration as part of coursework for guidance and problem solving. I think it remains a challenge simply because of my schedule. I know this is not a great excuse since I am pretty sure that everyone in this program has the same challenges. I did reach out to all group members to check on their progress and offer my services throughout the semester. I pledge again to do better going forward. I have found that the endless resources that Dr. H. has provided with examples of previous students assignments has filled in the place of not having the answer I may need about how the assignment can be put together or what is considered good work. I have kept Shannon F. and Carl D. as part of my collaboration group. Carl is no longer in my classes but has continued to offer assistance and share ideas. Shannon has been super forgiving since last semester I missed a key element on his assignment and he had to circle back and fix it. A huge fail as someone who is checking someone else's work. I have interacted with Chantilly S. the most and I really look forward to continuing with her through the courses. She, like me, is not in a hurry to finish, she just wants to learn everything she can along the way. She already holds a couple of Master's degrees so she has been a great source in what to expect.

I did actively participate in all the forums and I continue to circle back as previously discussed to make sure that others get feedback. I also love to read other perspectives. There are several classmates that I really look forward to their take on the content because they are so insightful. I religiously watched all the course meetings that were recorded because I teach my own course during the class time I did not get to be there live. I have really enjoyed them and wish I could have been live to interact because I continue to interact with the recorded screen just like last semester. Sigh. I also struggled when Dr. Padovan would ask for questions or feedback and the dramatic pause that followed. I loved his sessions but felt his pain in those moments when he was trying to give people an opportunity to talk.

Overall, I really enjoyed the coursework, I enjoyed the professor, and I enjoyed the discussion forums. I will continue to work on getting feedback for my own work from my collaboration group. I would score myself 79/100.



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